I recently hosted a bridal shower in my home for a friend of my daughter, whom I have known forever, Kendra Zamel… She's a special girl with the most captivating smile, so I was joyous for my home to be a part of her special day.
It was actually kind of an impromptu event, but my home and my treasures lend themselves well to spontaneous celebrations. The event was held in my barn and garden
I'm always happy for an excuse to get out my vintage china.
However, my daughter and her friends really were the "designers and organizers”, I just filled in some of the blanks. Some party rentals were needed, including some "salmon colored glasses", which typically wouldn't have been part of my kind of pink, which gave cause for some funny banter.
Lily enjoyed focusing on signage needs on chalk boards.
I of course, loved fiddling with flowers
There was a station where the girls could make floral crowns.
My vintage bed served as a lounging photo opportunity
Truthfully, the combination of the setting, the beautiful girls and the love of their friendships, gave the event a fairytale quality.
I hope from the bottom of my heart that Kendra’s (soon to be Kendra Wilson), has a beautiful journey ahead of her…
And the most beautiful wedding…
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